Nine PM snack attack

Nine PM snack attack
May 27, 2016 Megan Kirk

It happens to me every night without fail.  With dinner three hours done and already a distant memory, and bedtime still an hour and a half away, I’m hungry.  I’m starving actually and tired and susceptible to munching chips.  I used to think in terms of breakfast, lunch and dinner when shopping and planning meals throughout the week, but as soon as I started being intentional about my bedtime snack–owning it and planning for it–I fortified myself against choosing carby, sugary foods at my weakest hour.

My 9 p.m. shopping list focuses on snacks that provide some protein and little or no effort to prepare.

My go-to’s:  Hard boiled eggs, Ezekiel 4:9 Almond Cereal (the only cereal with no sugar grams; I add a few currants to sweeten), apple slices dipped in almond butter, hummus with crackers or carrots to dip, a piece of fruit and an ounce of cheese, a spoonful of almond butter on a spoon (does the trick with zero effort).

Legitimize the bedtime snack with good planning.

